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Tip of the Week: Make Your Workplace More Flexible With These 4 Technologies

Tip of the Week: Make Your Workplace More Flexible With These 4 Technologies

There’s no denying that flexibility is important. While technology makes it easier than ever before to communicate and work anytime, anywhere, employees should be encouraged to use this flexibility to their advantage. Yet, it’s often quite easy to fall victim to the many pitfalls of flexibility, which is why it’s so important to invest in solutions designed to maximize productivity.

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Tip of the Week: How to Save Your Keyboard from a Drink-Spillage Nightmare

b2ap3_thumbnail_clean_my_keyboard_400.jpgIt’s a best practice to avoid placing drinks and food near the computer, but for the busy business owner, this practice is often ignored in preference to getting more work done. While it’s typically extremely unhealthy to forsake your lunch break to continue working, some workers might feel that it’s impossible to get all of their work done without doing so. Inevitably, this leads to everyone’s worst nightmare: spilling a drink, most likely coffee or some kind of soda, on your keyboard.

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Be Sure to Take These 4 Actions Before Leaving Your Desk Unattended

b2ap3_thumbnail_leave_your_workspace_400.jpgWe’ve published several blog articles about enterprise security technologies, but it’s equally important to focus on the other side of the security equation and make sure people know how to properly log off, lock, and walk away from their workspace. To that end, even something as seemingly-mundane as forgetting to lock your computer can leave your network vulnerable, big-time.

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Tip of the Week: Engage Your Workforce to Improve Employee Retention

b2ap3_thumbnail_bad_leadership_400.jpgThe leaders of today’s business world are staring down a problem unlike anything they’ve seen before; their workforce, or rather, engaging them in their work. A study by Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends shows that a meager 13 percent of employees in the world are legitimately engaged in their work. That’s a pretty small percentage, and to make matters worse, over a quarter of the world’s workforce are disengaged to the point their negativity will impact others.

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Tip of the Week: What to Look For and What to Avoid in a Consultant

b2ap3_thumbnail_consulting_tips_400.jpgSometimes you just don’t know what to do, and you don’t know where to turn for help. You don’t want to ask your competitors for anything, because they don’t need to know your weak points, and you feel crushed under the pressure of day-to-day operation. Maybe a hand once in a while isn’t such a bad thing.

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Tip of the Week: 5 Technologies to Get Maximum Productivity Out of Your Employees

b2ap3_thumbnail_maximum_productivity_400.jpgWhen it comes down to it, your employees are being paid for their time spent at work. Business operates on the principle of “time is money,” which means that every minute wasted cuts into your bottom line. If you’re looking to squeeze the most productivity out of your employees, then there are technologies available that can take back those precious minutes.

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Tip of the Week: How to Avoid Office Burnout

b2ap3_thumbnail_office_burnout_400.jpgWhen a hard-working business owner such as yourself gets going, you keep working until you’ve got nothing left to give. This is commonly known as “office burnout,” and isn’t healthy for anyone, or anything; especially your business and office relationships.

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Are You on Constant Inbox-Watch?

b2ap3_thumbnail_email_spew_400.jpgAre your eyes constantly glued on your email inbox during the workday? It’s not bad to keep up with what’s going on in the office, but a recent study has linked constant email-checking to higher stress levels. This probably isn’t surprising to some, but some folks, like the researchers at the University of British Columbia, claim that there’s a maximum number of times to check your email throughout the day to minimize stress in the workplace.

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Procrastination Nation: How Doing a Little Now Can Lead to a Lot Later

b2ap3_thumbnail_procrastination_is_not_always_bad_400.jpgHow are you coming on those New Year’s resolutions? If you’re already putting off doing them due to a case of getting bit by the procrastination bug, then you might be feeling down on yourself and thinking about giving up. But, did you know that doing something a little later might actually be a better way to get something done?

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Tip of the Week: How to Exercise at the Office

b2ap3_thumbnail_exercise_at_work_400.jpgIt’s 2015, and if you have made any New Year’s resolutions, there’s a good chance that “getting more exercise” is on your list. Can’t find time to exercise because you’re stuck in an office all day? Don’t let that stop you. Here are some tips to help you exercise, even while you’re at work.

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Save $11,000 Annually for Each Telecommuting Employee

b2ap3_thumbnail_tellecommuting_is_best_400.jpgA lot of employers are nervous about letting their employees work from home, but due to the increased evidence that it can be beneficial to productivity and cost-efficiency, it's getting more and more difficult to avoid thinking about it. In fact, according to Global Workplace Analytics, working from home has grown a whopping 80 percent in the United States since 2005.

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BYOD Privacy: When Two Phones are Better Than One

b2ap3_thumbnail_bring_your_own_device_400.jpgBring Your Own Device (BYOD) has been a hot IT trend for the past few years. Initially, everybody loved the idea of workers using their personal smartphone for work and organizations were quick to adopt BYOD. Now, after years of trying out the policy, companies and employees are having reservations about BYOD, making some even long for the days of Blackberry.

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